
supports and services for employees

White Light offers a range of supports and services for employees. The workplace can be a challenging  space for individuals.
Some of the issues most frequently encountered and which we can help you to address include:
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do”
Steve Jobs
CEO, Apple

Support & Guidance

White Light Healthcares panel of experienced professional associates can offer support and  guidance as well as practical ways to build ones sense of wellbeing both at work and personally.

Some of these, deliverable either online or in person (Covid19 restrictions permitting), can include:

"Mental health at work is not just a workplace issue; it’s spilling over into people’s personal lives especially those who have been working from home”
Oracle 2020

our mental health

Every one of us has to guard and maintain our mental health as much as our physical health.

Early warning signs tell us when it is time to seek help in order to be able to help ourselves. There is nothing unusual about encountering mental or emotional stress. What is important is doing something about it.

"Balance suggests a perfect equilibrium. There is no such thing. That is a false expectation…….There are going to be priorities and dimensions of your life; how you integrate them is how you find true happiness.”
Denise Morrison
CEO, Campbell Soup



Personal Counselling

Clinical supervision